Monday, February 14, 2011

Zombie dreams

Within the past few months, I have had recurring dreams that the undead are coming after me. Sometimes it's in my own house. For example, I was with a group of people (You know, the random people that you get stuck with..cliche during the movies..some chick, a badass, a black dude, a priest, etc.) And I was in my house, I was talking to the priest (who looked like the pope) and I realized he was some sort of sentient zombie, he simply ate his clerics to stay sane or something. He ordered that I go somewhere (basically to die and be eaten by him) and I said no way and ran outside. I talked to the black guy..but his eyes kept moving and he was sweating a lot. I decided he was turning so I hacked his head off, left it by the back porch. Said to myself "His kids are gonna freak when they see their dad's head there, but oh well."

Then I went to the toilet and took a piss, something said in a deep disembodied voice "Look in the Bowl" and my piss turned to blood. Something appeared in the bowl, a shapeless blob of a creature. When it looked at me I got major vertigo and almost fell over, I felt seriously woozy and I woke up feeling the same way, thinking a zombie was going to run up the stairs to my room and attack me.

So anyway, that's just one of many. I'm getting paranoid about some zombie apocalypse, and I haven't even been watching stuff about zombies, save one episode of that new AMC series.


  1. What series are you talking about? I'm curious

  2. what a scary dream, i hope it was the last one for you

  3. scaRY dream!!
    good thing i usually dont dream anything..only blackness :(

  4. This sounds like such an awesome dream, followin'

  5. I hate such dreams, getting chased is the worst.

  6. I've definitely had some wild ones.

  7. You just gotta be prepared if there ever is a zombie apocalypse... Then you'll sleep just fine. =)

  8. Woah! Great post :D Following and supporting! Keep it up
